FMM Lab Mastery Series Part 1 to 4


Duration: 22:00 hours


Program Description

Introduction to the Complete Blood Count (CBC) by Dr. Brandon Brock

Introduction to the Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP) – Dr. Brandon Brock

Introduction to Food Sensitivity Testing and Intestinal Barrier Testing –  Dr. Cheryl Burdette

A Functional Approach to Diabetic Markers and Oxidative Stress by Dr. Cheryl Burdette

Becoming Menopause Specialists: Expert Endocrine Solutions for the Integrative Practitioner by Dr. Robyn Kutka

Laboratory Analysis Program: CMP1, Beginning of the Metabolic Panel by Dr. Brandon Brock

The Fungus Among Us, Yeast and Mold by Dr. Cheryl Burdette

The Importance of Micronutrients in Chronic Diseases by Dr. Ron Grabowski

The Gastrointestinal Microbiome, Metabolome and Intestinal Barrier Function by Dr. David Quig

Clinical Considerations for Excessive Exposure to Thallium, Gadolinium and Implant-derived Metals by Dr. David Quig

The Importance of Testing Urinary Organic Acids and Environmental Pollutants for Patient Health by Mark Schauss

The Role of Fatty Acids in Human Health and Optimal Brain Function by Dr. Dan Johnston

Brain Autoimmunity, Cellular Markers for Neurological Inflammation and Related Conditions. These include the realm of Cognition, Movement, Behavior and Attention by Dr. Brandon Brock