Instructor: Dr. Cheryl Burdette
An integrative medicine approach to Food Sensitivity and Intestinal Barrier analysis with algorithms for diagnosis, the hidden secrets revealed in testing analytes and integrative approach to acceptable and out of balance lab value ranges of food sensitivities or full allergens and advanced intestinal barrier markers validating when to run these tests and how to change out of balance markers.
This course includes case studies demonstrating an integrative medicine model that uncovers hidden issues traditional medicine commonly overlooks, the components of food sensitivity testing and the diagnostic meaning of each marker as it relates to intestinal health, inflammatory conditions, diseases, proper digestion and nutrition absorption.
This course will also detail when any additional lab panels may be valuable to run for the optimal diagnosis, treatment course or referral.
Components covered include:
Food Reactions including dietary antigens, SCFA, DAO, Zonulin, LPS, IgM, IgG, IgA
Dr. Cheryl Burdette
Current Position: Director of Naturopathic Medicine at Progressive Medical. I serve as a staff physician, and educational director. I have been in private practice since 2001. I manage the Naturopathic residency program that is focused on integrative medicine and nutritional biochemistry. I am the Research and Outreach director for Xymogen, and Inc.500 supplement company, and serve on their BOA. I am owner and president of a nutritional lab, Dunwoody Labs, for which I design clinical profiles and train clinicians in their utilization. At Dunwoody labs I am also involved in nutritional trials and translational research. I am chief advisor for on-going clinical trial department of the laboratory. I also serve on an independent IRB giving feedback concerning various studies in the area of integrated medicine. I lecture internationally and nationally for IFM, A4M, MMI, and ACAM as well as many other conferences. I wrote and designed the curriculum for Advanced Medicine’s Academy online certification program. I am called upon yearly to do grand rounds at all the major Naturopathic medical schools. I teach Clinical and Nutritional Oncology at the University of Bridgeport and am part of the faculty at the University of Miami that is the first allopathic school to require integrative medicine. I am also adjunct faculty at George Washington University, the first PhD program in integrative medicine.